The right to health is a fundamental human right to guarantee all people live in dignity. Y-PEER Somalia offers extensive resources and information on sexual and reproductive health, covering family planning, STI prevention, and access to reproductive health services. We enable young people to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health, fostering positive behaviors and attitudes. To this end, Y-PEER has supported about 200,000 of women in terms of antenatal care, mother kits, assisted deliveries, and managed complicated deliveries & 610,00 Adolescents and youth received SRHR information and services through youth hubs, social media campaigns & health facilities.

The right to education was established in 1948 by the United Nations, yet millions of children are still denied this right today. Y-peer Somalia works to ensure equal access to education and to harness the power of quality education for positive, sustainable, and inclusive change. Disadvantaged and vulnerable youth often lack access to formal education systems. They can benefit from alternative pathways to education and economic empowerment through non-formal education. We work closely with schools and marginalized communities to reach out-of-school children and youth with accelerated learning programs that enable them to catch up. Our community-based education programs range from basic literacy and numeracy to vocational training and income-generation activities. Since its inception, Y-PEER has provided literacy, numeracy, and vocational skilling to thousands of youths including males and females across Somalia. Majority of these were school drop-outs but needed literacy and skilling to improve their livelihood. Below are the specifics of our remarkable education impact

Democracy and Peace building
Young people around the world are at a critical juncture as they inherit an array of complex challenges, including environmental degradation, growing inequality, and insecurity. At the same time, their socio-economic opportunities are increasingly limited and they must contend with entrenched power holders. We Promote meaningful participation of all citizens in their political systems, including, women; people with disabilities & young people.

Human Rights
Gender equality is a fundamental human right and is essential for advancing development and reducing poverty. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of entire families and communities, and the roles they play as caregivers improve prospects for the next generation. Somali society is very patriarchal and has strict construed gender roles that do not Favor women. Harmful cultural practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) are discriminatory practices committed regularly over such long periods of time that societies begin to consider them acceptable. Gender equality is Y-peer’s central organizing principle. We cannot achieve women’s economic justice, climate justice, health equity, the right to food, water, and nutrition, or equal access to humanitarian assistance without addressing gender inequality. The Sustainable Development Goals call for the elimination of all harmful practices to advance the rights of women and girls globally. Since 2009, We supported discussions, dialogues and awareness raising campaigns on harmful traditional practices to advance the rights of women and girls in Somalia, We have also educated hundreds of young girls and boys on life skills to challenge these deeply rooted practices.

Climate Justice
We believe that everyone has the right to live on a healthy planet. Y-peer Somalia aims to strengthen the resilience of the poorest and most marginalized people on the frontlines of the climate emergency, particularly women and girls.
Y-peer Somalia and our partners are well-positioned to work on these changes, due to our long-standing experience in addressing climate justice through:
- Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
- Sustainable agriculture
- Ecosystems and natural resource management
- Gender equality
Globally, our work on climate change is to help ensure that the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable people are heard at international climate emergency platforms and when planning and delivering projects that help people adapt and become more resilient to climate shocks. This includes helping people learn new farming techniques that help them withstand the impacts of recurring disasters.

Crisis Response
Y-peer Somalia and our esteemed partners prepare for and respond rapidly, at scale, to sudden onset natural disasters, protracted and complex crises (as well as shocks within them), and public health emergencies and their secondary impacts.
Y-peer plays a leading role in transforming the humanitarian sector by putting gender at the center of our responses. We use specific approaches that protect people’s dignity, and build resilience and social cohesion in communities before, during, and after an emergency. Our core humanitarian sectors are:
- Food and livelihood support
- Provide emergency shelters
- Provide non-food items (dignity kit and menstrual hygiene kits)
- Sexual and reproductive health services and rights